Tuesday, June 30, 2009

so, what does she want to do?

first born's back from college visits, so 'has he decided what he wants to do?' is the question of the month. since i really can't say 'he wants to laze about and make lots of money' -it reflects poorly on my parenting skills- i smile beatifically and say 'culinary school, or business, but i think he's leaning towards business.'

sometimes the follow up question is 'and what does chellam want to do.'

usually i'm sane enough to respond with the polite and vague '13 is a little early to know, isn't it?' even though i'm actually thinking, 'heck you're 40 something and it's obvious you still have no clue about what you are doing!'

anyway, back to the question. blame it on 
1 - the late hour - 11.30 at night, 
2 - the 'setting' - we were at elliot's beach sitting on the wall, listening to the waves, enjoying the cool breeze and talking about everything and nothing at all, 
3 - the mood - mellow, relaxed, dreaming about owning a beach house and having access to the wind and the waves any time i wanted, and 
4 - the person who did the asking - my sister, 
that prompted me to blurt out, with more honesty than was strictly needed-

'oh she wants to travel around the world and shop, and fill her cupboards with jimmy choos!'

oops... what happened to the 'plastic surgeon/chef/IFS/fashion designer' and even 'global retail merchandiser' i had rehearsed just for this moment??

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