Saturday, June 27, 2009

football games and report cards

we were out at dinner last night, and got into our mullum malarum for the day.

'football was a good thing about my day,' my chellam said, all smiles, 'when they audition, i'm going to be selected for the team.'

pointing out that auditioning happened for plays, and trials for games, i asked if her game had improved; the previous year, she had been kicking more air than anything else.

'ma, i'm one of the best, okay?' she protested. 

'in my class...(pause)

in my section...(pause again)

among the girls...'(long pause)

and then she laughed, 'my section really sucks at football. all the best players are in A & B, but in my section, i'm the best.'

then came the where the 'nameless hot place did that come from!' comment that left me speechless...

'hey, but how would you know what i'm good at, anyway? you only notice the red marks in my report card!'

no, i'm not going into details about the hours spent on the football ground cheering her on, or the zillion other thing that make me an involved, enthusiastic, cool, caring, sensitive, and totally awesome mom, but amazing, isn't it, what the view looks like from the other side?

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